- 办公室:明德主楼944
- 职称/职务:教授
- 办公电话:010-82500246
- 所属教研室:经济系-西方经济学教研室
- 电子邮箱:shwang06 AT xpjofficial.net
- 研究领域:行为和实验经济学 劳动经济学 消费行为 公共政策
经济组织与经济行为实验室主任,英文期刊Economic and Political Studies副主编。中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)秘书长,世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)全球程序理事会第一届行为分会委员。曾在美国SAS Institute Inc.任职计量经济师。
主要研究兴趣包括行为和实验经济学,公共政策,收入分配,女性发展、消费行为。研究成果曾发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics (经济学顶刊前五名), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Studies,Feminist Economics,《世界经济》,《金融研究》 等学术刊物上,并多次获得优秀论文奖, 主持过多项国家自然科学基金项目。
经济组织与经济行为实验室主任,英文期刊Economic and Political Studies副主编。中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)秘书长,世界经济论坛(World Economic Forum)全球程序理事会第一届行为分会委员。曾在美国SAS Institute Inc.任职计量经济师。
主要研究兴趣包括行为和实验经济学,公共政策,收入分配,女性发展、消费行为。研究成果曾发表在Quarterly Journal of Economics (经济学顶刊前五名), Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Studies,Feminist Economics,《世界经济》,《金融研究》 等学术刊物上,并多次获得优秀论文奖, 主持过多项国家自然科学基金项目。
Xianghong Shirley Wang
Professor in the School of Economics, Renmin University of China. Director of the Laboratory of Economic Behavior and Organization. Associate Editor of Economic and Political Studies.
Dr. Wang got her Ph.D. degree in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining Renmin University, she was a research econometrician at SAS Institute Inc. She has published articles at Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Comparative Economics, etc. She is a principal investigator for projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Her research papers have won outstanding paper awards from international conferences and journals.
She served as a member of the first Global Agenda Council in Behavior for World Economic Forum and a member of the Global Future Council in New Economy. She helped to found China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum (ChinaBEEF) and serves as a Secretary in General. In both 2020 and 2021, she was in the organizing committee for Economic Science Association (ESA) Global Online Around-the-Clock Conference, and will also host the 2025 ESA World Meeting.
Professor in the School of Economics, Renmin University of China. Director of the Laboratory of Economic Behavior and Organization. Associate Editor of Economic and Political Studies.
Dr. Wang got her Ph.D. degree in Public Policy and Management from Carnegie Mellon University. Before joining Renmin University, she was a research econometrician at SAS Institute Inc. She has published articles at Quarterly Journal of Economics, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Development Studies, Journal of Comparative Economics, etc. She is a principal investigator for projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China. Her research papers have won outstanding paper awards from international conferences and journals.
She served as a member of the first Global Agenda Council in Behavior for World Economic Forum and a member of the Global Future Council in New Economy. She helped to found China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum (ChinaBEEF) and serves as a Secretary in General. In both 2020 and 2021, she was in the organizing committee for Economic Science Association (ESA) Global Online Around-the-Clock Conference, and will also host the 2025 ESA World Meeting.
1996 博士 美国卡耐基梅隆大学公共政策与管理
1987 学士 英语
1985 学士 机械工程
1987 学士 英语
1985 学士 机械工程
2006 - 新葡京官方
1997-2006 美国SAS研究有限公司计量经济师,美国北卡罗来纳州
1996.7 行为经济学暑期班,美国伯克利加州大学
1994.7-10 世界银行职工协会研究助理,华盛顿总部
1992.6-8 国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)国际谈判项目研究助理,奥地利维也纳
1987-1990 北京交通大学(原北方交通大学)外语系英语教师
1997-2006 美国SAS研究有限公司计量经济师,美国北卡罗来纳州
1996.7 行为经济学暑期班,美国伯克利加州大学
1994.7-10 世界银行职工协会研究助理,华盛顿总部
1992.6-8 国际应用系统分析研究所(IIASA)国际谈判项目研究助理,奥地利维也纳
1987-1990 北京交通大学(原北方交通大学)外语系英语教师
2025 Economic Science Association (ESA) World Meeting世界年会主席 (中国第一次)
2023 中国心理学会经济心理学专委会学术年会主旨演讲嘉宾
2023 中国女经济学者年会主旨演讲嘉宾
2020 中国人民大学杰出学者
2020 中国行为与实验经济学论坛优秀论文奖
2019 全国博弈论与实验经济学研究会学术会议主旨演讲嘉宾
2019 第一届中国行为与实验经济学论坛主旨演讲嘉宾
2018 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球未来理事会新经济分会专家委员
2017 《金融研究》年度优秀论文奖
2017 China Agricultural and Economic Review最佳引用奖 (High Citation Award, CAER)
2016 第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(三等奖)
2015 杰出论文奖(Outstanding Paper Award, CAER)
2015 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球程序理事会行为分会专家委员
2014 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球程序理事会第一届行为分会专家委员
1995 最佳论文奖 Eighth Annual Meeting of International Association for Conflict Management(丹麦).
1985 校级优秀毕业生 (北京交通大学,全班仅一名)
2023 中国心理学会经济心理学专委会学术年会主旨演讲嘉宾
2023 中国女经济学者年会主旨演讲嘉宾
2020 中国人民大学杰出学者
2020 中国行为与实验经济学论坛优秀论文奖
2019 全国博弈论与实验经济学研究会学术会议主旨演讲嘉宾
2019 第一届中国行为与实验经济学论坛主旨演讲嘉宾
2018 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球未来理事会新经济分会专家委员
2017 《金融研究》年度优秀论文奖
2017 China Agricultural and Economic Review最佳引用奖 (High Citation Award, CAER)
2016 第七届高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(三等奖)
2015 杰出论文奖(Outstanding Paper Award, CAER)
2015 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球程序理事会行为分会专家委员
2014 World Economic Forum (世界经济论坛) 全球程序理事会第一届行为分会专家委员
1995 最佳论文奖 Eighth Annual Meeting of International Association for Conflict Management(丹麦).
1985 校级优秀毕业生 (北京交通大学,全班仅一名)
Jiang, Xu, Xianghong Wang, "Gender Difference in Leaders Framed with responsibility or Authority: An Experimental Study". China Economic Review, 2024, forthcoming. (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Zhixin Dai, “Group Composition of Income Types and the Absolute-Relative Framing of Public Good Contributions”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 52 (2024) 554–567. (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Yang, Jidong, Yunqi Zeng, Xianghong Wang, “The Happiness Gender Gap in China: Composition Effect or Coefficient Effect”, Feminist Economics, 2024. 30:1, 70-105(通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Yijie Wang, “The Impact of Gender Norms on Women’s Leadership Advancement – An Empirical Study in China”, Economic and Political Studies, 2023 accepted forthcoming (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Trautmann, Stefan, Xianghong Wang, Yijie Wang, Yilong Xu “High status individuals are held to higher ethical standards” Nature: Scientific Reports (2023) 13:15111 (JCR Q1)
Su, Duan, Yacan Wang, Nan Yang, Xianghong Wang, "Promoting considerate parking behavior in dockless bike-sharing: An experimental study", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 140, October 2020, Pages 153-165. (JCR Q1)
Wang, Yijie, Wenkai Sun, and Xianghong Wang, "Motivation of Parent-Child Co-residence Behavior-Evidence from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study", China and World Economy, Volume 27, March 2019, Pages 66–85(通讯作者)(通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
王湘红、宋爱娴、孙文凯。消费者保护与消费-来自工商总局投诉数据的证据,《金融研究》,2018(6), 115-130
Liu, Kai, and Xianghong Wang, "Relative Income and Income Satisfaction: An Experimental Study", Social Indicators Research, Volume 132, May 2017, Pages 395–409(通讯作者)(通讯作者)(JCR社会学Q1)
王湘红、陈坚:社会比较和相对收入对农民工家庭消费的影响, 《金融研究》, 2016 (12),48-63页 (优秀论文奖)
王湘红,曾耀,孙文凯. 行业分割对性别工资差异的影响——基于CGSS数据的实证分析, 《经济学动态》,2016(1),44-53
Kocher, Martin G., Peter Martinsson, Emil Persson, Xianghong Wang, "Is there a hidden cost of imposing a minimum contribution level for public good contributions?", Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 56, October 2016, Pages 74-84 (JCR 经济学Q1)
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Xiaoxi Zhang, "Minimum wage effects on employment and working time of Chinese workers: evidence based on CHNS", IZA Journal of Labor & Development, Volume 4, November 2015, Pages 1-22
王湘红、朱琳、宋爱娴: 《公共政策中的温和家长制和行为助推政策——以消费政策为例》,《国家治理研究》, 2015 第1期
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Chong-En Bai, "Income Mobility of Rural Households in China from 2003 to 2006", China Agricultural Economic Review, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 73-91 (Outstanding Paper Award; High Citation Award) (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
王湘红、范智伟. 助推政策优于“自由放任”和“一刀切”. 《中国社会科学学报》, 2014.12.10
Sun, Wenkai, and Xianghong Wang, "Do government actions affect social trust? Cross-city evidence in China", Social Science Journal, Volume 49, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 447-457(通讯作者)(JCR Q2)
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Yean Zhou, "How free do people feel to express their opinions? A study in urban China", Applied Economics Letters, Volume 19, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 1165-1169 (通讯作者)(JCR Q3)
Wang, Xianghong, "When Workers Do Not Know-the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wage Laws Revisited", The Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 33, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 951-962(独立作者)(JCR经济学Q1心理学Q2)
Kriss, Peter H., George Loewenstein, Xianghong Wang, Roberto A. Weber, "Behind the veil of ignorance: Self-serving bias in climate change negotiations", Judgment and Decision Making, Volume 6, October 2011, Pages 602-615 (通讯作者)(JCR心理学 Q2)
王湘红:相对收入与个人效用--来自中国的证据。《经济理论与经济管理》, 2012,第5期
王湘红、孙文凯、任继球:相对收入对外出务工的影响:来自中国农村的证据。 《世界经济》, 2012 第6期
Xianghong Wang, H. Nie, "The Impact of Collective Wage Agreements in China: A Firm-Level Study", The Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Research Association, 2012, Pages 92-102
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, 2011. Liquidity Constraints, the Composition of Government Expenditure, and Economic Growth, Global Economic Review, 40:4, 409-419(通讯作者)(JCR Q3)
Wang, Xianghong, "Retail Return Policy, Endowment Effect, and Consumption Propensity: An Experimental Study", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Volume 9, Issue 1 (Topics), September 2009, Article 38 (独立作者)(JCR Q3)
王湘红、王曦:退货制度影响消费倾向的行为理论和调查, 《经济理论与经济管理》, 2009,第10期
Babcock, Linda, Xianghong Wang, and George Loewenstein, "Choosing the Wrong Pond: Social Comparisons that Reflect a Self-serving Bias", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 111, Issue 1, February 1996, Pages 1-19 (经济学顶刊 前5名)
Babcock, Linda, George Loewenstein, and Xianghong Wang, "The Relationship Between Uncertainty, the Contract Zone, and Efficiency in a Bargaining Experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 27, Issue 3, August 1995, Pages 475-485 (JCR Q2)
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Zhixin Dai, “Group Composition of Income Types and the Absolute-Relative Framing of Public Good Contributions”, Journal of Comparative Economics, 52 (2024) 554–567. (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Yang, Jidong, Yunqi Zeng, Xianghong Wang, “The Happiness Gender Gap in China: Composition Effect or Coefficient Effect”, Feminist Economics, 2024. 30:1, 70-105(通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Yijie Wang, “The Impact of Gender Norms on Women’s Leadership Advancement – An Empirical Study in China”, Economic and Political Studies, 2023 accepted forthcoming (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
Trautmann, Stefan, Xianghong Wang, Yijie Wang, Yilong Xu “High status individuals are held to higher ethical standards” Nature: Scientific Reports (2023) 13:15111 (JCR Q1)
Su, Duan, Yacan Wang, Nan Yang, Xianghong Wang, "Promoting considerate parking behavior in dockless bike-sharing: An experimental study", Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, Volume 140, October 2020, Pages 153-165. (JCR Q1)
Wang, Yijie, Wenkai Sun, and Xianghong Wang, "Motivation of Parent-Child Co-residence Behavior-Evidence from China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study", China and World Economy, Volume 27, March 2019, Pages 66–85(通讯作者)(通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
王湘红、宋爱娴、孙文凯。消费者保护与消费-来自工商总局投诉数据的证据,《金融研究》,2018(6), 115-130
Liu, Kai, and Xianghong Wang, "Relative Income and Income Satisfaction: An Experimental Study", Social Indicators Research, Volume 132, May 2017, Pages 395–409(通讯作者)(通讯作者)(JCR社会学Q1)
王湘红、陈坚:社会比较和相对收入对农民工家庭消费的影响, 《金融研究》, 2016 (12),48-63页 (优秀论文奖)
王湘红,曾耀,孙文凯. 行业分割对性别工资差异的影响——基于CGSS数据的实证分析, 《经济学动态》,2016(1),44-53
Kocher, Martin G., Peter Martinsson, Emil Persson, Xianghong Wang, "Is there a hidden cost of imposing a minimum contribution level for public good contributions?", Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 56, October 2016, Pages 74-84 (JCR 经济学Q1)
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Xiaoxi Zhang, "Minimum wage effects on employment and working time of Chinese workers: evidence based on CHNS", IZA Journal of Labor & Development, Volume 4, November 2015, Pages 1-22
王湘红、朱琳、宋爱娴: 《公共政策中的温和家长制和行为助推政策——以消费政策为例》,《国家治理研究》, 2015 第1期
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Chong-En Bai, "Income Mobility of Rural Households in China from 2003 to 2006", China Agricultural Economic Review, Volume 6, Issue 1, January 2014, Pages 73-91 (Outstanding Paper Award; High Citation Award) (通讯作者)(JCR Q1)
王湘红、范智伟. 助推政策优于“自由放任”和“一刀切”. 《中国社会科学学报》, 2014.12.10
Sun, Wenkai, and Xianghong Wang, "Do government actions affect social trust? Cross-city evidence in China", Social Science Journal, Volume 49, Issue 4, December 2012, Pages 447-457(通讯作者)(JCR Q2)
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, and Yean Zhou, "How free do people feel to express their opinions? A study in urban China", Applied Economics Letters, Volume 19, Issue 12, 2012, Pages 1165-1169 (通讯作者)(JCR Q3)
Wang, Xianghong, "When Workers Do Not Know-the Behavioral Effects of Minimum Wage Laws Revisited", The Journal of Economic Psychology, Volume 33, Issue 5, October 2012, Pages 951-962(独立作者)(JCR经济学Q1心理学Q2)
Kriss, Peter H., George Loewenstein, Xianghong Wang, Roberto A. Weber, "Behind the veil of ignorance: Self-serving bias in climate change negotiations", Judgment and Decision Making, Volume 6, October 2011, Pages 602-615 (通讯作者)(JCR心理学 Q2)
王湘红:相对收入与个人效用--来自中国的证据。《经济理论与经济管理》, 2012,第5期
王湘红、孙文凯、任继球:相对收入对外出务工的影响:来自中国农村的证据。 《世界经济》, 2012 第6期
Xianghong Wang, H. Nie, "The Impact of Collective Wage Agreements in China: A Firm-Level Study", The Proceedings of the 64th Annual Meeting of Labor and Employment Research Association, 2012, Pages 92-102
Sun, Wenkai, Xianghong Wang, 2011. Liquidity Constraints, the Composition of Government Expenditure, and Economic Growth, Global Economic Review, 40:4, 409-419(通讯作者)(JCR Q3)
Wang, Xianghong, "Retail Return Policy, Endowment Effect, and Consumption Propensity: An Experimental Study", The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, Volume 9, Issue 1 (Topics), September 2009, Article 38 (独立作者)(JCR Q3)
王湘红、王曦:退货制度影响消费倾向的行为理论和调查, 《经济理论与经济管理》, 2009,第10期
Babcock, Linda, Xianghong Wang, and George Loewenstein, "Choosing the Wrong Pond: Social Comparisons that Reflect a Self-serving Bias", Quarterly Journal of Economics, Volume 111, Issue 1, February 1996, Pages 1-19 (经济学顶刊 前5名)
Babcock, Linda, George Loewenstein, and Xianghong Wang, "The Relationship Between Uncertainty, the Contract Zone, and Efficiency in a Bargaining Experiment", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Volume 27, Issue 3, August 1995, Pages 475-485 (JCR Q2)
王湘红:《工资谈判、劳动关系及收入-—基于行为理论的研究》, 中国人民大学出版社 2012
王湘红: 《王湘红自选集》,中国人民大学出版社 2017.
行为经济学手册一章:“Behavioral Labor Economics”, in Routledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics (edited by Frantz, Roger et al) Routledge, New York, 2016 p365-375.
王湘红: 《消费行为的助推机制和政策效应研究》经济科学出版社,2021-11.
王湘红: 《王湘红自选集》,中国人民大学出版社 2017.
行为经济学手册一章:“Behavioral Labor Economics”, in Routledge Handbook of Behavioral Economics (edited by Frantz, Roger et al) Routledge, New York, 2016 p365-375.
王湘红: 《消费行为的助推机制和政策效应研究》经济科学出版社,2021-11.
Gao, Yu, George Loewenstein, Xianghong Wang, 2024, "The Misery of Spending Down the Nest Egg".
Wang, Xianghong, Jie Zheng, Lan Zhou, 2024, "Absolute versus Relative: Asymmetric Framing and Feedback in a Heterogenous-Endowments Public Goods Game" //ssrn.com/abstract=3904519
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Jie Zheng, 2024,"Qualification, Willingness, and Gender Bias in in Leader Selection" //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3917830
Sun, Wenkai, Wenjing Wang, Xianghong Wang, 2024, “The Unintended Consequence of Structural Monetary Policy: Evidence from China”.
Wang, Xianghong, Anning Xie, 2020, "Public Exposure and Defaulting Behavior in Public Good Lending".
王湘红 李强 “政府实施的网购退货政策对消费的影响——基于网购订单数据的研究”
Wang, Xianghong, Sili Zhang, "Relative income and donation behavior - An experimental study".
Ariely, D., Xianghong Wang, "Does honor code affect cheating behavior--a cross-culture comparison in US and China".
McFadden, D., Wenkai Sun, and Xianghong Wang, "Chinese Internal Migrants: Policy and Measurement Challenges".
Wang, Xianghong, Jie Zheng, Lan Zhou, 2024, "Absolute versus Relative: Asymmetric Framing and Feedback in a Heterogenous-Endowments Public Goods Game" //ssrn.com/abstract=3904519
Li, Yutong, Xianghong Wang, Jie Zheng, 2024,"Qualification, Willingness, and Gender Bias in in Leader Selection" //papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3917830
Sun, Wenkai, Wenjing Wang, Xianghong Wang, 2024, “The Unintended Consequence of Structural Monetary Policy: Evidence from China”.
Wang, Xianghong, Anning Xie, 2020, "Public Exposure and Defaulting Behavior in Public Good Lending".
王湘红 李强 “政府实施的网购退货政策对消费的影响——基于网购订单数据的研究”
Wang, Xianghong, Sili Zhang, "Relative income and donation behavior - An experimental study".
Ariely, D., Xianghong Wang, "Does honor code affect cheating behavior--a cross-culture comparison in US and China".
McFadden, D., Wenkai Sun, and Xianghong Wang, "Chinese Internal Migrants: Policy and Measurement Challenges".
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2022-2025) “促进女性领导力发展的行为机制研究”(72173122)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020) “促进居民消费和优化消费环境的助推机制研究”(71671282)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014-2017) “相对收入的行为影响及其在政策设计中的应用” (71373273)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012-2015) “中国现有经济环境下工资集体协商的效应—基于行为经济学的研究” (71173228)
中国人民大学明德青年学者培育计划 “基于行为理论的工资制度与劳动关系的研究”。
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2017-2020) “促进居民消费和优化消费环境的助推机制研究”(71671282)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2014-2017) “相对收入的行为影响及其在政策设计中的应用” (71373273)
国家自然科学基金面上项目(2012-2015) “中国现有经济环境下工资集体协商的效应—基于行为经济学的研究” (71173228)
中国人民大学明德青年学者培育计划 “基于行为理论的工资制度与劳动关系的研究”。
学术期刊:Economic and Political Studies副主编
审稿人:American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,China Economic Review, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Development Studies,世界经济,经济理论与经济管理
中国行为和实验经济学论坛秘书长 (China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum)
世界行为经济学学会中国区代表: The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
世界经济论坛全球未来理事会委员:World Economic Forum Global Future Councils
• 2021 国际实验经济科学学会ESA Global Online Meeting2组委会7/7-9
• 2020 第二届中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)主席8/22-23;国际实验经济科学学会ESA Global Online Meeting组委会、主持9/10-13
• 2019 首届中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)主旨演讲,浙江财经大学
• 2018 世界经济论坛未来理事会Summit of Global Future Councils,迪拜11/11-12.
• 2015 世界经济论坛Global Agenda Council Summit, 阿布达比 10月
• 2014 世界经济论坛Global Agenda Council Summit, 迪拜 11月
审稿人:American Economic Review, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization,China Economic Review, Journal of Economic Psychology, Journal of Development Studies,世界经济,经济理论与经济管理
中国行为和实验经济学论坛秘书长 (China Behavioral and Experimental Economics Forum)
世界行为经济学学会中国区代表: The Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics
世界经济论坛全球未来理事会委员:World Economic Forum Global Future Councils
• 2021 国际实验经济科学学会ESA Global Online Meeting2组委会7/7-9
• 2020 第二届中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)主席8/22-23;国际实验经济科学学会ESA Global Online Meeting组委会、主持9/10-13
• 2019 首届中国行为与实验经济学论坛(ChinaBEEF)主旨演讲,浙江财经大学
• 2018 世界经济论坛未来理事会Summit of Global Future Councils,迪拜11/11-12.
• 2015 世界经济论坛Global Agenda Council Summit, 阿布达比 10月
• 2014 世界经济论坛Global Agenda Council Summit, 迪拜 11月