
  • 办公室:明德楼主楼740
  • 职称/职务:教授
  • 办公电话:82500217
  • 所属教研室:经济系-西方经济学教研室
  • 电子邮箱:miao.bin AT xpjofficial.net
  • 研究领域:不确定性决策,跨期风险决策,以及社会分配决策


2020-至今 中国人民大学,新葡京官方 ,教授
2018-2020 上海财经大学,新葡京官方 ,教授
2015-2018 上海财经大学,新葡京官方 ,副教授
2013-2015 上海财经大学,新葡京官方 ,助理教授


2008-2013 新加坡国立大学,经济学,博士
2007-2008 新加坡国立大学,经济学,硕士
2001-2005 南京大学,经济学,本科


1.“Probabilistic Social Preference: How Machina's Mum Randomizes her Choice,” (with Zhong Songfa), Economic Theory, 65, 1-24, 2018.
2.“Partial Ambiguity,” (with Chew Soohong and Zhong Songfa), Econometrica, 85, 1239-1260, 2017.
3.“Comment on `Risk Preferences are Not Time Preferences': Separating Risk and Time Preference,” (with Zhong Songfa), American Economic Review, 105, 2272-2286, 2015.


1.“Intertemporal Consumption with Risk: A Revealed Preference Analysis,” (with Joshua Lanier, John Quah and Zhong Songfa).
2.“Ellsberg meets Keynes at an Urn,” (with Chew Soohong and Zhong Songfa).
3.“Multiple Switching Behavior in the Elicitation of Risk Preferences,” (with Chew Soohong, Shen Qiang and Zhong Songfa).
4.“Dominated Contracts in Team Production,” (with Simin He), in progress.
5. “An Experimental Study of Attitude towards Compound Lottery,” (with Zhong Songfa).




Wuhan University, 2019. Renmin University, 2019. Peking University GMC, 2018. Chinese University of Hongkong, 2018. Hongkong Baptist University, 2018. Foundations of Risk and Uncertainty, 2018 (York, England). ESA World Meeting, 2018 (Berlin, Germany). Shanghai Workshop of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2018. Shanghai Workshop of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 2017. Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen, 2016. International Workshop on Experimental Economics, 2016 (Xiamen, China). Foundations of Risk and Uncertainty, 2016 (Warwick, England). Logic, Game Theory, and Social Choice, 2015 (Taiwan, China). International Workshop on Experimental Economics, 2014 (Xiamen, China). Decisions: Theory, Experiments, and Applications, 2014 (Paris, France). International Workshop on Experimental Economics and Finance, 2012 (Xiamen, China). SAET Conference, 2012 (Brisbane, Australia). Asia-Pacific ESA Conference, 2011 (Xiamen, China).


Econometrica, Economic Journal, International Economic Review, Journal of Economic Theory, Management Science, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Theory and Decision.


Recruiting Committee, School of Economics, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, 2015, 2017.