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新葡京官方 孙浦阳教授合作论文在CITIES上正式发表


近日,新葡京官方 孙浦阳教授合作论文《Does the eviction of street vendors affect food prices? Evidence from China's chengguan system》在CITIES上正式发表。



The aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of the eviction of street vendors on household food prices. Existing studies suggest the removal of street vendors have impacts on consumer welfare, but few of them have quantified the impact empirically. Employing a unique dataset of city-level food prices, we find that the establishment of chengguan (formally, the Urban Administration and Law Enforcement Bureau) has a positive and significant impact on the average prices of fruits and vegetables. Evicted by chengguan, the absence of street vendors leads to increase in prices of fruits and vegetables by approximately 4.7% all else being equal. Further investigation suggests that cities with less developed retail markets and more stringent administrative enforcement experience a larger price increase led by the establishment of chengguan. Our results provide insights on the role of street vendors in supplying inexpensive goods. Interventions that foster market competition can help mitigate the price effect led by the absence of street vendors.




孙浦阳,新葡京官方 国经系教授;毕业于英国伯明翰大学、诺丁汉大学,经济学博士。研究领域为开放与中国经济发展,近期集中于市场整合、服务市场等。入选国家级青年人才项目、霍英东奖励计划,张培刚发展经济学奖,安子介国贸优秀论文、天津青年拔尖人才、社科优秀成果奖等;科研论文发表在国内外权威期刊;主持国家社科重大、教育部重大等项目。