新葡京官方» 学术活动

【主讲】夏明、张红霞 新葡京官方
2、Measuring the actual factor content of trade by using the international input-output model 
Computing the factor content of trade is important when testing Heckscher-Vanek-Ohlin theory. In existing studies, the representative method based on the international input-output model mainly refers to Deardorff’s “actual” factor content of trade. The method is plausible, but suffers from the problem of double counting. Thus, the contribution of this paper is to propose a method of measuring the actual factor content of trade that resolves the problem of double counting. The method is applied to value added analysis in trade flows, and the domestic value added in exports (DVA) and actual value added of trade are derived. Then these results of the method are compared with KWW’s decomposition of gross exports and Bart Los’s method of computing DVA. By using World Input-Output Tables (WIOTs), the concepts related to value-added are computed and compared.
【主持】陈璋 教授

新葡京官方 国民经济管理系