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[能源经济研讨会](Energy Economics Seminar)The Impacts of Carbon Tax on Sectoral Competitiveness in China

能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)

讲演题目:The Impacts of Carbon Tax on Sectoral Competitiveness in China

作者简历: 蔡圣华 中国科新葡京官方 科技政策与管理科学研究所能源与环境政策研究中心副研究员,日本京都大学博士。研究领域:能源经济学、电力经济与产业政策、气候变化经济学与环境政策。

时间:11月16日周三 2-3:30


文章摘要:China is expected to implement carbon tax in the near future to limit emissions of greenhouse gases. Despite the theoretical efficiency advantages of carbon taxes, concerns of reduced international

competitiveness are the hot debate topic among decisionmakers. The conventional wisdom is that carbon taxes impose significant costs, and thereby hinder the ability of China’s firms to compete in international markets. This paper attempts to assess the competitivenessrelated impacts of carbon taxes using simulations based on a dynamic computable general equilibrium model of Chinese economy.

    能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济的教学研究水平的提高。希望得到各位同仁的关注与支持!

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