新葡京官方» 学术活动
【时   间】2019年10月10日(周四)12:00—13:30
【地   点】明德主楼729会议室
【主   题】Unequal Past, United Future–Reaching a Climate Agreement given Past Responsibilities
【主讲人】刘宁,北京航空航天大学经济管理新葡京官方 助理教授
【主持人】孙文凯,新葡京官方 教授
【点评人】王湘红,新葡京官方 教授

【摘   要】Through a laboratory experiment, we measure the self-serving bias in collective-risk social dilemma. We explore beliefs over the “fair allocation” of contributions among asymmetric players, and measure self-serving bias using the difference in contributions in the veil of ignorance setting and in the multiplayer dictator game. We study how those are affected by alternative narratives of historical responsibilities. We find that subjects have broadly shared belief on the fair allocation of contributions, where poor and rich alike, contribute the same proportion of their endowment behind the veil of ignorance. However, their contributions differ in the multi-player dictator game. Overall, rich succumb more to the self-serving bias than the poor. The three framings of historical responsibility have different impact. Under the framing of inherited responsibility, self-serving bias of the rich is eliminated, while that of the poor is amplified leading to a more equal society in terms of wealth.

【主讲人简介】刘宁,北京航空航天大学经济管理新葡京官方 助理教授。博士毕业于荷兰鹿特丹伊拉斯姆斯大学(Erasmus University Rotterdam),之后在意大利米兰博科尼大学(Bocconi University)进行博士后研究。主要研究领域为个人和群体决策,重点关注风险与不确定性及公平观念。近年来的研究注重结合决策理论和实践,致力于改善气候变化以及促进可持续发展。研究成果在Nature Climate Change, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Theory and Decision等国际权威期刊上发表。