新葡京官方» 学术活动


报告人:日本国立长冈技术科学大学 李志东教授





An econometric study on China’s development path towards low-carbon society


利用“中国经济?能源?环境统合计量经济模型(China 3E-Model模拟分析低碳社会情景,结合对中日两国的低碳机制体制的比较分析,提出健全中国长效低碳机制体制、构建低碳社会的政策建议。


Li Zhidong is a professor at the Nagaoka University of Technology Japan, and a visiting researcher at the IEEJ (Institute of Energy Economics, Japan) and ERI/China (Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission, China). He is a member of the Green Energy Project of Nagaoka University of Technology, which is adopted as 21st Century COE program by the Japan Ministry of Education and Science.

  He graduated from China People’s University (Renmin University) in 1983, and received a PhD in economics from Kyoto University Japan in 1990. He worked as a professional economist at the IEEJ from 1990 to 1995, mainly focusing on econometric analysis of world energy outlook and world oil market modeling. He has been a main contributor of Japan-China joint study project focusing on China’s economy, energy and environment from 1999 to 2003. He is the author/co-author of number of books and articles published in academic and professional journals and publishers.

中国人民大学 新葡京官方 能源经济系