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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]Benefits of Civic Participation: Evidence from Reducing Traffic Violations in China



【主题】Benefits of Civic Participation: Evidence from Reducing Traffic Violations in China



【地点】明德主楼 729 会议室。

【摘要】This paper uses two studies to examine the effects of civic participation on obeying traffic laws. The first study, a randomized field experiment, shows that drivers were more likely to obey traffic rules if they were asked by the police department to recommend the best way to disseminate information on traffic law enforcement, compared to if they only received such information. The second study shows that, when comparing two options for reducing traffic violations, drivers were more likely to choose the effective strategy than were police bureaucrats.

报告人简介:陆方文博士2011年毕业于美国加州伯克利大学农业与资源经济系,获得经济学博士学位,同年到新葡京官方 任教。陆方文博士的研究领域主要在劳动经济学、发展经济学和实验经济学,她的论文已经被《Journal of Development Economics》、《Journal of Labor Economics》等一流刊物接受。

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