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[劳动经济学研讨会]The Internal Economics of a University: Evidence from Personnel Data
劳动经济学研讨会 (2016年第1期)  
【时间】2016年10月19日(周三)12:00-13:30 【地点】明主729会议室 【主讲】吴若彤 新葡京官方 【主题】The Internal Economics of a University: Evidence from Personnel Data  (Catherine Haeck and Frank Verboven, Journal of Labor Economics, 2012) 【点评】宋扬 新葡京官方 副教授 【摘要】Using a rich personnel data set of a large European university we find strong evidence for the existence of an internal labor market. First, there is a strong port of entry at the lowest academic rank and in fact even prior to entering professorship, resulting in very long internal careers. Second, wages do not follow external wage developments. We subsequently consider various incentive theories regarding the dynamics of promotions, as organized through annual tournaments. As expected, a rigid set of research and teaching criteria determine the speed of promotions. At the same time, administrative rigidities play an important role..    本次交流研讨会是新葡京官方 本学期第一次劳动经济学研讨会。劳动经济学研讨会的学术活动有两种形式:前沿文献选读和同行学术交流。前沿文献选读由劳动经济学教师团队选择本领域顶尖杂志的前沿文献,采用学生宣讲、老师点评的方式加强人才培养、促进本领域内师生的广泛交流。同行学术交流将邀请相关领域知名学者或顶尖高校毕业的博士就已形成的高水平工作论文进行深入讨论。两类活动将视需要而定频次。欢迎相关领域老师和同学关注并参加!如有意作为点评老师或宣讲学生参加前沿文献选读活动,可以联系新葡京官方 宋扬老师([email protected])。  
新葡京官方                                                                                                          2016年10月15日