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[发展经济学研讨会]Time Enough for Safety: Comment on “The Complications of Controlling Agency Time Discretion: FDA Review Deadlines and Postmarket Drug Safety”



【时间】 3月18日,星期三, 12:00—14:00 
【主题】: Time Enough for Safety: Comment on “The Complications of Controlling Agency Time Discretion: FDA Review Deadlines and Postmarket Drug Safety”
 Carpenter, Chattopadhyay, Moffitt, and Nall (2012) present results that suggest that time constraints on new-drug reviews are positively associated with post-market safety outcomes. However, their analysis omits obvious confounding variables, and their data set contains several clear errors. In regressions using a clean data set and plausible confounding variables, we find that the relationship between time constraints on new-drug reviews and post-market safety events is neither robust nor statistically significant.

 ANDREAS M. SCHICK是美国食品与药品监管局资深经济学家,2011年博士毕业于俄亥俄州立大学,主要研究健康经济学、健康政策、经济史和劳动经济学。SCHICK博士有大量实际工作经验,并在如 Journal of Human Capital等杂志发表若干论文。

新葡京官方 2015年3月12日