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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]Human Capital and Growth of Industries: Evidence from China`s Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s



【主题】 Human Capital and Growth of Industries: Evidence from China`s Higher Education Expansion in the Late 1990s.

【主讲人】张磊      上海交通大学安泰经济与管理新葡京官方 副教授


【地点】明德主楼 729 会议室。

【摘要】Human capital plays an important role determining individual earnings, earnings distribution, and productivity and economic growth. Yet, its empirical evaluation is often plagued by the endogeneity of education and reverse causality issues. This paper estimates the medium-term impact of higher education expansion on the growth of manufacturing industries in China, taking advantage of a nationwide natural experiment starting in 1999 that substantially expands the college access of high school graduates and generates subsequently a surge of the college-educated labor force starting in 2002. Taking advantage of the centrally-planned nature of the Chinese higher education system, I exploit the variation in the growth of college graduates across provinces that can be traced back to the college enrolment rate almost half a century ago at the conclusion of a centrally-designed relocation of higher education institutions. I conduct the IV estimation in a difference-in-differences framework and control for industry and province fixed effects. I find that industries that employ more human-capital intensive technologies in provinces with larger increases in college graduates experience significantly faster growth in total value-added, employment, and capital stock; moreover, larger and more established firm also experience faster growth in labor productivity and average labor compensation. The estimates are not driven by state-owned enterprises and are robust to the inclusion of an extensive set of control variables.

报告人简介:张磊教授2004年毕业于美国斯坦福大学经济系,获得经济学博士学位,同年到美国克莱蒙森大学任教,曾在美国斯坦福大学胡佛研究研究所任研究员,2013年开始任上海交大安泰经济与管理新葡京官方 副教授。张磊教授的研究领域主要在劳动经济学、发展经济学和中国经济,她的论文发表在《Journal of Development Economics》等一流经济学刊物上。

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