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[国际经济学研讨会]Participation in the Global Value Chains and Productivity Catch-up: Microeconomic Evidence Based on the Firms from Indonesia and China


        题目:Participation in the Global Value Chains and Productivity Catch-up: Microeconomic Evidence Based on the Firms from Indonesia and China     

        主讲人:Kyosuke Kurita, 日本关西新葡京官方 大学新葡京官方          




        摘要:This study aims to focus on the link between participation in the global value chains (GVCs) and productivity catch-up in China and Indonesia. The paper analyses whether productivity catch-up by low-productivity firms can be seen in these countries and to what extent the differences in productivity dynamics can be accounted for by the differences in GVC participation and position within GVCs between these two countries.          We find that low-productivity firms show a much higher productivity growth rate than high-productivity firms in China, i.e., strong evidence of productivity catch-up, while we do not find such evidence in Indonesia. The backward GVC participation is much higher for China than for Indonesia. While the forward GVC participation was higher for Indonesia until the early 2000s, China’s forward GVC participation has been increasing since the mid-2000s, suggesting that China has been increasing her importance as an intermediate goods supplier in GVCs.          Our empirical results show that GVC participation is associated with productivity catch-up differently between China and Indonesia. Forward GVC participation as well as an increase in the GVC length and shifting towards upstream in the GVC tend to be positively associated with productivity catch-up in the case of China. We do not find such evidence for Indonesia.          

         主讲人简介: Kyosuke Kurita, 日本关西新葡京官方 大学(Kwansei-Gakuin University)新葡京官方 副教授,2006年毕业于日本一桥大学,获经济学博士学位。研究领域为发展经济学、应用微观和计量经济学、国际经济学,目前已发表学术论文20余篇。