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[新葡京官方 青年学者论坛]Productivity Gap and inward FDI Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from China

         新葡京官方 青年学者论坛      

        题目:Productivity Gap and inward FDI Spillovers: Theory and Evidence from China          





        摘要:This paper constructs a two-stage sequential game model to investigate the spillover effect of inward FDI on improving the efficiency of domestic firms in host countries. Our model shows that, given the optimal joint-venture policy made by foreign firms, the impact of spillover effect of inward FDI is contingent upon the productivity gap between the domestic firms and foreign ones. In particular, we demonstrate that the spillover effect of FDI inward varies negatively with the productivity gap between domestic low-productivity firms and foreign firms and works conversely for high-productivity firms. This result suggests that once the productivity gap widens, the entry of foreign firms will increase the efficiency of high-productivity firms and reduce the efficiency of low-productivity firms. The implication of our theoretical predictions is that once the productivity of domestic firms (high-productivity firms) is close enough to the world productivity frontier, they will incur the positive spillover effect from the entry of foreign firms. In contrast, the domestic firms with low productivity which are more distant from the world productivity frontier will perform worse owing to the entry of foreign firms, thus leading to the negative spillover effect. Using the data from over 570,000 firms in Chinese manufacturing industry in 2011, we advance the understanding of the theoretical model through empirical analysis.          

        主讲人简介: 沈煌南,伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 发展经济学博士资格候选人,师从国际著名寻租理论、制度经济学学者Mushtaq khan教授及著名华人政治经济学家卢荻教授 ,并任哈佛大学肯尼迪政府新葡京官方 国际发展中心增长实验室访问研究员。沈煌南在伦敦政治新葡京官方 获得经济管理硕士学位,硕士导师为前英国皇家经济学会主席John sutton 教授。沈现在伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 担任管理经济学、微观经济分析、计量经济学、公司金融及金融策略等课程的助教工作。研究领域为发展经济学、国际贸易、产业组织及制度经济学。期间获得伦敦政治新葡京官方 管理系管理经济学最佳考试奖学金、伦敦政经量化数学方法课程考试全校第一名及伦敦大学亚非新葡京官方 经济系科研奖学金。近年来主要用博弈论、契约理论及产业组织的方法研究中国大型国有企业改革,并是清华大学中国现代国有企业研究院中国国有企业研究课题小组成员。他还担任‘modern management forum’期刊编委。迄今在Fudan Journal of Humanity and Social Science (ESCI) 中国工业经济(CSSCI), structural change and economic dynamics(SSCI)及LSE economic history working paper series, soas economics working paper series 等处发表论文及工作论文近15篇。沈还是英国发展学学会、英国皇家经济学会、美国经济学会等学会会员。