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[发展经济学研讨会]When Airpocalypse Met Blockbusters: The Impact of Air Pollution on Box Office



【时间】 12月25日,星期五,12:00—13:30
【主题】:When Airpocalypse Met Blockbusters: The Impact of Air Pollution on Box Office
 【主讲人】:Xiaobo He  (Shanghai Finance University)
 【摘要】:This paper estimates the ramification of air quality and theatrical market performances with daily data of Air Pollution Index (API) and movie attendance and revenue from China. It is the first attempt to assess the impact of air quality on consumption. Our data cover 889 movies shown on screens in 56 major Chinese cities during 2012 to 2014. Our benchmark estimations show that air pollution in China has negative effects on both daily movie audience and revenue. In particular, one additional pollution day reduces movie theater attendance by 2% and a 15 % reduction for the least popular movies and no effect on blockbuster movies. These numbers should be interpreted as the lower bound estimates that air pollution has on the entertainment industry that includes theaters and restaurants. The baseline result that API negatively affects daily performance of movies is robust to a number of alternative specifications and sub-samples.
何晓波现为上海金融新葡京官方 经济系副教授,主要研究发展经济学和劳动经济学。何晓波教授曾在American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Economics Letters, China Economic Review, Manchester School等国际期刊发表论文。现担任 Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, World Economy, Agricultural Economics, China Economic Review, Review of Income and Wealth 等期刊匿名审稿人。