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[组织经济学Seminar]Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation
中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心 组织经济学Seminar   总第69期 【OE201601】  
    组织经济学(Organizational Economics)Seminar由中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心(CFOS)主办。CFOS的宗旨是,利用现代经济学方法研究中国的企业、政府、市场和非营利组织的重大问题,推动企业理论、契约理论和制度经济学的研究与教学。关注CFOS,请访问//CFOS.xpjofficial.net。
主讲:Lorenz Goette
主题: Overcoming Salience Bias: How Real-Time Feedback Fosters Resource Conservation(实时反馈如何促进资源节约)
摘要:Inattention and imperfect information bias behavior toward the salient and immediately visible. This distortion causes costs to individuals, the organizations they work in, and society at large. We show that an effective way to overcome this bias is making the implications of one’s behavior salient in real time, while individuals can directly adapt. In a large-scale field experiment, we give participants real-time feedback on the resource consumption of an energy-intensive behavior. We find that real-time feedback reduces resource consumption for the target behavior by 22%. At the household level, this leads to much larger conservation gains than conventional policy interventions that provide aggregate feedback on resource use. The approach addresses salience bias directly, and avoids the negative psychological pressure that has been observed with other interventions. More generally, reducing the impact of salience bias through real-time feedback can improve private and business decisions, and make markets more efficient.
演讲者简介:Lorenz Goette,瑞士苏黎世大学博士、加州大学伯克利分校博士后、曾任瑞士洛桑大学经济系主任,现为德国波恩大学新葡京官方 全职教授、Management Science副主编。他致力于“经济学和心理学”方面的研究,主要领域为行为经济学、劳动经济学。他已在Science,American Economic Review,Review of Economic Studies,Economic Journal,Management Science,Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization等杂志上发表多篇学术论文。
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