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授课教授:李彤(Tong Li):范德比尔特大学经济系教授、主任,兼任中国人民大学微观计量与实证方法研究中心主任。


7月10日 星期日8:30-11:30  公共教学一楼1302室

7月11日 星期一14:00-17:00 明德 法学楼201室

7月16日 星期六14:00-17:00 明德法学楼201室


J.M. Wooldridge, Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data, Sec-
ond Edition, MIT Press, 2010. 点击下载:conometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data 2nd Edition.pdf 点击下载:Econometric Analysis of Cross Section and Panel Data.pdf

Course Outline:

1. Models with Qualitative and Limited-dependent Variables:
Binary Choice Models; Bivariate and Multivariate Probit Models; Logit Mod-
els for Multiple Choices; Models for Ordered Data; Models for Truncated Data;
Models for Censored Data; Selection Problem; Models for Count Data; Duration

点击下载:Models with Qualitative and Limited-dependent Variables.rar

2. Simulation Based Inference and Bayesian Methods:
GHK; Importance Sampling; Basic Bayesian Techniques; MCMC.

点击下载:Simulation Based Inference and Bayesian Method.rar