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[国民经济学Seminar] Structural decomposition analyses: the differences between applying the semi-closed and the open input-output model
国民经济学Seminar (第14期)


时间:2016年5月25日(周三)中午12:00—13:30 地点:明德主楼734会议室

主讲:陈全润 主题:Structural decomposition analyses: the differences between applying the semi-closed and the open input-output model

摘要:The open and the semi-closed input-output modelare widely used in impact analysis but usually yield considerably different outcomes. This paper examines whether such differences also exist in structural decomposition analyses. The empirical part considers the decomposition of the growth in gross output and in labor compensation, for China (1997-2007) and for a set of 35 other countries.Our main findings are twofold. First, for gross output growth, both models yield very similar results for the factors they have in common. Therefore, if only the contribution of these common factors is of interest, it does not matter whether the semi-closed or the open input-output model is used. Second, for the analysis of labor compensation growth, both models may yield significantly different results for the labor compensation coefficients . Therefore, if the contribution of changes in labor compensation coefficients is of interest, the semi-closed model is recommended to be used.

作者简介:陈全润,对外经济贸易大学统计新葡京官方 讲师,获中国科新葡京官方 数学与系统科学研究院管理学博士学位、荷兰格罗宁根大学经济学博士学位。研究领域为投入产出分析、经济预测、全球价值链。相关论文发表于Environment and Planning A, Journal of Industrial Ecology, Economic Modelling等杂志。

有兴趣的老师和同学请联系:张红霞([email protected]
