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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]Minimum Wages and Employment in China



时间】 1220日,星期, 12:00—13:30



【主题】: Minimum Wages and Employment in China

【摘要】:Since China promulgated new minimum wage regulations in 2004, the magnitude and frequency of changes in the minimum wage have been substantial, both over time and across jurisdictions. This paper uses county-level minimum wage panel data and a longitudinal household survey from 16 representative provinces to estimate the employment effects of minimum wage changes in China over the period of 2004 to 2009. In contrast to the mixed results of previous studies using provincial-level data, we present evidence that minimum wage changes have significant adverse effects on employment in the Eastern and Central regions of China, and result in disemployment for females, young adults, and low-skilled workers.

【演讲人简介】林树明,毕业于台湾大学经济系,美国乔治城大学硕士,2011年获得美国罗格斯大学经济学博士,目前任教于北京师范大学经管新葡京官方 ,同时为德国IZA研究员。专长为应用微观经济学,主要研究领域在劳动经济学及微观计量,研究兴趣为移民政策、最低工资及事件研究。目前已发表论文于Economics Letters及Review of International Economics。

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