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[行为和实验经济学研讨会]The Cooperative Consequences of Contests

         行为和实验经济学研讨会          (总第5期)      
【时  间】2019年3月14日(周四)12:00—13:30  
【地  点】明德主楼734会议室  
【主  题】The Cooperative Consequences of Contests  
【主讲人】郑捷(清华大学经济管理新葡京官方 经济系副教授)  
【主持人】王湘红(新葡京官方 教授)  
【点评人】孙文凯(新葡京官方 教授)  
【讲座摘要】Although contests are theoretically recognized as a highly effective method of motivation when resources are limited, recent studies (Carpenter, Matthews and Schirm, 2010; Buser and Dreber, 2016) suggest that the competitive nature of contests may induce negative behavioral externalities in other domains. Using a laboratory experiment of real effort contests with treatments varying by prize structure, we test the effect of different types of contests and their outcomes on pro-social behavior in classic games. Within-person effects of the contest on behavior in the prisoner’s dilemma, trust game and public goods game are assessed. Across subjects, we examine the relative impacts of standard all-pay auction contests, Tullock contests with probabilistic winning, proportional prizes and piece rate payment with social comparison. While pro-sociality generally decreases after a competition, it decreases most significantly in the proportional contest and piece rate with social comparison settings, driven mostly by greater anti-social action taken in the prisoner’s dilemma and trust games. Our study has managerial consequences for the structure incentives in the workplace when a combination of competition and cooperation is needed among workers.  
【主讲人简介】郑捷,清华大学经济管理新葡京官方 经济系副教授,清华大学经济管理新葡京官方 经济科学与政策实验室(ESPEL)常务副主任,国际学术期刊Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization副编辑(Associate Editor),Research in Economics副编辑(Associate Editor)。2003年获得清华大学经济学学士学位,2005年获得清华大学经济学硕士学位,2007年获得美国华盛顿大学经济学硕士学位,2011年获得华盛顿大学经济学博士学位。研究领域主要包括经济理论、信息经济学、实验经济学、行为经济学。先后主持多项国家自然科学基金项目,发表论文二十余篇。研究工作发表于Management Science、Nature Communications、American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings)、Games and Economic Behavior、Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization、Experimental Economics等国际期刊,且有部分工作被收录入Handbook of Experimental Economic Methodology,学术成果被中国信息经济学会授予"中国信息经济学2011-2015理论贡献奖",2016-2018连续三年获“中国信息经济学青年创新奖”。