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[数量经济学研讨会]Matching Food with Mouths: A Statistical Explanation to the Abnormal Decline of Per Capita Food Consumption in Rural China
数量经济学研讨会 [201504]

报告题目:Matching Food with Mouths: A Statistical Explanation to the Abnormal Decline of Per Capita Food Consumption in Rural China
报告人:Xiaohua Yu
内容简介:This study provides an alternative explanation for the unusual apparent decline in food consumption in rural China after 2000. We find that it is mainly attributable to significant measurement errors in the Chinese Rural Household Survey and the calculation of per capita food consumption. In a household survey, total consumption for a household in a certain period is often well recorded, and per capita consumption is obtained by dividing total consumption by household size. Such a calculation of per capita food consumption is vulnerable to a mismatch between food and mouths. Total consumption may be subject to measurement errors caused primarily by food away from home (FAFH). Also, the household size recorded in the survey is not necessarily the same as the number of mouths (consumption household size), who consume the food recorded in the survey. Our results indicate that per capita food consumption in rural China is currently being underestimated by about 30%. Our results also indicate that income elasticities of food consumption are greater than measured elasticities based on the Rural Household Survey data.
报告人简介:Xiaohua Yu is Professor of Agricultural Economics in Developing and Transition Countries at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development and the Courant Research Centre ’Poverty, Equity and Growth’ at the University of G?ttingen,Germany. He obtained his Bachelor, Master, and Ph.D. respectively from Renmin University of China (2001), Kyoto University in Japan (2005), the Pennsylvania State University in the U.S. (2009). His research interests cover agricultural economics, environmental economics, Chinese economy, and applied econometrics. He currently serves as an associate editor for Agricultural Economics, the official journal of International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)., and editorial board member for a number of journals.

数量经济教研室 运筹学与数量经济研究所 微观数据与实证方法研究中心 新葡京官方 2015年07月

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