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[劳动经济学研讨会]Part-time Work, Job Satisfaction and Well-being: Evidence from a Developing OECD Country
劳动经济学研讨会 (2016年秋季第6期 总第40期)

【主题】Part-time Work, Job Satisfaction and Well-being: Evidence from a Developing OECD Country (Montero, Rodrigo, and T. Rau., Journal of Development Studies, 2015)
【点评】王湘红 新葡京官方 教授

【摘要】We estimate the effects of part-time work on job and life satisfaction using new data for Chile. While part-time work is being promoted to increase female labour participation in many countries, there are concerns about its quality and the overall effect on well-being of such policies. We estimate models for job and life satisfaction addressing for endogeneity and selectivity bias. We found that part-time work has a negative effect on job satisfaction and well-being for men; however, when looking at just women, the negative effect is reversed. This should be considered when designing public policies oriented at increasing female labour participation through part-time work.
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