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[产业经济学研讨会]Strategic Choice of Network Externality and its Impact on Digital Piracy

         产业经济学研讨会          会议通知          (2017年第6期)          【时间】2017年10月18日(周三)12:00-13:30          【地点】明主734会议室          【主讲】卢远瞩  中央财经大学经济学教授          【主题】Strategic Choice of Network Externality and its Impact on Digital Piracy          【点评】李三希 新葡京官方 副教授          【摘要】Network externality plays a major role in the digital products market. The strength or the degree of the network externality has serious implications on the overall value or quality of the digital product. We focus on a situation where the degree of network externality of the product is a strategic choice of a digital firm that faces a commercial pirate that produces a lower quality of that product. We characterize the strategic response of the original firm to the pirate. We find the profit-maximizing degree of network externality chosen by the original firm under any cost environment and relative quality difference between the original and pirated good. Market structure and market coverage are endogenously determined in the model, which has implications with respect to piracy. We show that the relationship between profit-maximizing degree of network externality and the relative quality difference between the products can be monotonic or non-monotonic. The pirate’s response to the network effect is analyzed. Nash equilibria of the game in which both the network externality and the low quality are chosen simultaneously are also derived.                     【主讲人介绍】卢远瞩:新加坡国立大学经济系,经济学博士,研究领域: 产业组织、博弈论应用、微观经济学。                     欢迎相关领域老师和同学关注并参加!如有意作为点评老师或宣讲学生参加前沿文献选读活动,可以联系新葡京官方 李三希老师([email protected])或者学生助理陈奕辰([email protected])。