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[发展经济学研讨会]Job Search over the Life Cycle




【时间】 6月27日,星期五, 12:00—13:30 
【主题】:Job Search over the Life Cycle
【摘要】:This paper studies the worker`s job search behavior over the life-cycle. We first document that job search intensity, defined as average time spent on job hunting in a typical day, displays a hump-shaped age profile. While a declining job search time is usually found in standard lifecycle models with incomplete markets, we are able to replicate the hump shape by introducing age-specific labor productivity. Unemployed workers follow a reservation wage strategy of job search. We then calibrate the model and quantitatively evaluate the effects of age-specific productivity, reservation wage, and asset holding on search intensity. We find that the interaction of time-varying age-efficiency and reservation wage is the key to understand the hump shape.


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