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题目:Spatial Inequality, Globalization, and Footloose Capital 新葡京官方


地点: 明德楼主楼734会议

时间: 2011年11月3日(星期四)下午2:30


现任日本东北大学 教授,浙江大学客座教授2011年度北京论坛特邀嘉宾主要研究方向: Regional Science and Urban Economics,Game Theory,Conflict Resolution,Operations Research主要科研成果:在国际学术杂志Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ,Southern Economic Journal,Journal of Urban Economics,Journal of Development Economics,Journal of Regional Science, Japanese Economic Review,Regional Science and Urban Economics, Mathematics of Operations Research等发表论文40余篇。


This paper shows the equivalence of spatial inequalities in industrial location and in income by revisiting the home market effect (HME) without any homogeneous good based on a reconstructed footloose capital model. In this simple framework, spatial inequalities in industrial location and in income are the HMEs in terms of _rm share and wage, respectively. We show that the larger country has a more-than-proportionate share of _rms and a higher wage. Furthermore, both the wage differential and the industrial location in the larger country evolve in an inverted U-pattern when transport costs decline. Finally, we analytically examine the effects of trade liberalization on the welfare and show that both countries may gain from globalization.


联系人:牛睿  82500255 niurui ( a t ) xpjofficial.net

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