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[世纪经英论坛]A Review of the Trump Trade Agenda


讲座嘉宾:乔治华盛顿大学教授Joseph Pelzman          

讲座题目:A Review of the Trump Trade Agenda          


讲座地点: 明德主楼728会议室          



嘉宾介绍:Professor Pelzman is an internationally recognized authority and author on US and WTO international trade policy, the economics of international trade law, contemporary international trade policies affecting the PRC, with a strong interest in the Transition economies in Europe and in Asia. Before joining the faculty at George Washington in 1980 he was a Brookings Institution Economic Policy Fellow. Prior to that he was a faculty member at the University of South Carolina (1976-79). Professor Pelzman is the current Managing Editor, of the Global Economy Journal and President of the International Trade and Finance Association. He is also a frequent contributor to the international media, and has been a consultant to various governments, research institutions, foundations, and private corporations. Professor Pelzman is a prolific author, having published articles in a number of leading economics journals, including the American Economic Review, Journal of Political Economy, European Economic Review, Southern Economic Journal and more recently published a number of books.