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[数量经济学研讨会]Network Competition in the Airline Industry: A Framework for Empirical Policy Analysis

         数量经济学研讨会          [20171027]      
      报告题目:Network Competition in the Airline Industry: A Framework for Empirical Policy Analysis          报告人:袁哲          报告时间:2017年10月27日中午12:30-13:30          报告地点:明德主楼729          
         内容简介:This paper studies network competition in the US airline industry. I propose a structural model of oligopoly competition where the set of endogenous strategic decisions of an airline includes its network structure (i.e., the set of city-pairs where the airline operates nonstop flights), flight frequencies (number of scheduled daily flights) for every city-pair where they are active, and prices for nonstop and one-stop routes. In this paper, I propose and implement simple methods for the estimation of the model and for the evaluation of counterfactual experiments that avoid the computation of an equilibrium. The estimation of the model shows that ignoring the endogenous network structure in this industry implies a substantial downward bias in the estimates of marginal profits and marginal cost of scheduling flight frequency. The estimated model is used to evaluate the change in network structures after a hypothetical merger between Alaska Airlines and Virgin America in the first quarter of 2014. I find that the merged airline will re-optimize its network structures by entering into at least six new city-pairs. I also find flight frequency re-distribution across the airlines` networks.          
         报告人简介:袁哲,上海财经大学国际工商管理新葡京官方 助理教授,多伦多大学博士          
      数量经济教研室          运筹学与数量经济研究所          新葡京官方          2017年10月

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