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主讲人:Kathleen McGarry,加州大学洛杉矶分校教授

时  间:2016年11月22日18:00-19:30
地  点:明德主楼623会议室
Kathleen McGarry is a Professor and Chair in the Department of Economics at UCLA and a Research Associate at the NBER. From 2007-2009 she was the Joel Z. and Susan Hyatt, 1972 Professor of Economics at Dartmouth College and previously served as a senior economist at the Council of Economic Advisers. She has had fellowships from the Brookdale Foundation and the National Bureau of Economic Research.
McGarry’s research focuses on the economics of aging. Her work centers on two primary topics: the role of public and private transfers in affecting the well-being of the elderly, and the functioning of insurance markets catering to the elderly population. Within the context of transfers, McGarry has examined issues such as the effect of expansions in the Social Security program on living arrangements of the elderly, participation in the Supplemental Security Income program, and the transfer of both cash and time assistance flowing between parents and children.
McGarry’s work on health insurance has examined the effect of medigap insurance on the use of care and more recently on the burden of out of pocket medical expenditures faced by the elderly, particularly near the end of life. She has also explored the market for long-term care insurance and addressed issues regarding the purchase or non-purchase of such insurance.
She is currently a co-investigator for the Health and Retirement Study.