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讲座预告 | 行为和实验经济学研讨会




【时 间】2020116日(周15001630

【地 点】明德主楼734会议室

【主 题】Attention Online, Abatement Offline: A Natural Experiment on Social Media in China

主讲】梁平汉,中山大学政治与公共事务管理新葡京官方 教授

主持人】王湘红,新葡京官方 教授

点评人】苗 彬,新葡京官方 教授

This paper investigates the responses of firms and governments to social media activities. The unexpected release and short-lived circulation of the environmental documentary Under the Dome in China in 2015, offers a natural experiment. Based on a comprehensive firm-level dataset together with various web-scraped data, we find that more public attention to the documentary, measured by social media posts, led to significantly less pollutant emissions of local firms. IV and placebo tests suggest that this impact is not driven by unobserved heterogeneity or omitted variable bias. We show that firms improve environmental behavior in responses to consumers pressures. Furthermore, Local governments strengthen regulatory actions in response to the raising public attention.

主讲人简介】梁平汉,中山大学政治与公共事务管理新葡京官方 教授,博士生导师,主要研究地方政府行为、行为与实验经济学、博弈论等,论文发表在Games and Economic Behavior, Journal of Comparative Economics,《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学季刊》等国内外一流期刊。曾获霍英东基金会高等院校优秀青年教师奖,教育部第高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖等表彰,主持国家自科基金、国家社科重大子课题等多项课题。

