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[能源经济学研讨会]Nuclear economies and local supply chains: the case of UK


时间:627日,星期三, 12:00-2:00


题目Nuclear economies and local supply chains: the case of UK


In many parts of the world, the presence or the development of nuclear plants generates a significant economic impact and supply chain effects for the areas where these plants are located. Nuclear sites need a large amount of goods and services in order to work efficiently. However, mainly due to health and safety reasons, these sites are usually located in peripheral and remote areas, which are frequently characterised by shortages in the provision of goods and services at a local level.
In some cases, this situation may prevent the use of local suppliers by the company which manages the nuclear site, and enhance the penetration of non-local businesses within the local supply chain. Moreover, this situation may increase the level of business leakage outside the area, having a significant impact on the local economy. Research in this field is mainly based on aggregate data, which are often unable to provide detailed information especially with regard to second-tier suppliers.
The study presented in this seminar expores data related to local supply chains in the proximity of nuclear sites by investigating the site of Sellafield in West Cumbria, UK. Using information obtained from primary research, this study examines the relevance of nuclear procurement within the area, by evaluating levels of economic leakage and seepage resulting from suppliers’ subcontracting and work carried out locally.


Dr Ignazio Cabras is a Lecturer of Economics, business and Management at the School of Management, Universitity of York. He is also a Fellow of the Regional Studies Association (FeRSA) and of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). His research interests are focused on economics and environment, with particular emphasis on regional growth and development, employment issues, urban-rural dynamics, community cohesion and social capital, industry and innovation, and ICT.His research experience embraces various and manifold aspects within the economic field, and include also an analysis of procurement practices in the public sector at regional and local level, an empirical study of the supply chain effects associated with the nuclear industry, an economic evaluation of local environmental quality values (LEQ) with regard to commercial property values in the UK, and an examination of social networks in peripheral and remote areas and their role in developing local communities and businesses.

 中国人民大学 新葡京官方 能源经济系