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[数量经济学Seminar]Financial Stress Testing Based on the GFF Viewpoint: A Case Study in China


题目:Financial Stress Testing Based on the GFF Viewpoint: A Case Study in China
报告人:张南 教授
时间:  2016年3月28日(周一)14:00-15:00
地点:  明商 0105
Abstract: This paper aims to propose new statistical monitoring system for measuring financial stress. Firstly, the paper inspect the influence of Global-Flow-of-Funds (GFF) and the continual growth of macro economy on the stability of financial systems, and build a statistical monitoring system for testing financial stress. Secondly, this paper dynamically link real economics with financial economics, and combine domestic flow of funds with international capital flows, to construct the statistics observation system of GFF. Thirdly, we created a Chinese finance stress index that corresponds well with the current status of Chinese external flow of funds. Fourthly, we expanded the empirical analysis based on Vector Error Correction Model and have submitted the future works, after obtaining some conclusion.
Key Words: Global-Flow-of-Funds, Finance Stress Index, Financial Risk, Vector Error Correction Model


新葡京官方 数量经济学教研室 2016年3月21日