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[劳动经济学研讨会]Anti-Elite Discrimination and Mismatched Couples: The Role of Parents in Intergenerational Transmission

         劳动经济学研讨会          (总第50期)      
      【时间】2017年11月15日(周三)12:00-13:30          【地点】明德主楼734会议室          【主题】Anti-Elite Discrimination and Mismatched Couples: The Role of Parents in Intergenerational Transmission          【主讲】苗萌(中国人民大学汉青研究院 助理教授)          【Abstract】In this paper we estimate the separate impact of parents on the educational attainment of children. In order to overcome endogeneity problem that arises due by assortive mating behavior, we employ a unique institutional setting: the pervasive and intensive discrimination against rural elites in China between 1930 and 1978 and politics-driven cross-class marriage. We demonstrate that those maternal-elite families in which only the mother is from an elite family have the same structure as the paternal-elite family, in which only the father is from an elite family. However, the children of the former are associated with significantly higher educational attainment and more successful career than the later. We provide evidence that this impact comes from that more resources diverted for Children and better parent-children communication.                     主讲人简介:Meng Miao is an assistant professor in Hanqing Advance institute for Economics and Finance. He received his PhD from University of Oxford in 2015. His research interests include corporate finance, labor economics and institutional economics.