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明德经济学堂 | 明德经济学研讨会第52期


时  间:2025年2月28日14:00-15:30(周五)

地  点:明德主楼623会议室

主讲人:李嘉 新加坡管理大学新葡京官方 院长、教授

主持人:章永辉 新葡京官方 副教授

主  题:Illuminating Important Economic News by Candlesticks: Optimal Testing Meets Technical Analysis


Building on time-honored ideas from technical analysis, we propose a simple new test, termed the Marubozu test, for detecting abrupt asset price changes over short time intervals based on the information embedded in readily available high-frequency candlesticks. Using an infill asymptotic framework, combined with a novel coupling-based method, we show that the test is correctly sized and optimal, or nearly so, against a variety of empirically plausible alternatives. Underscoring the practical relevance of the test, we demonstrate its ability to illuminate significant economic shocks triggered by specific statements made by the Fed chair in post-FOMC announcement press conferences.


Jia Li, Professor and Dean of the School of Economics at Singapore Management University, holds the title of Lee Kong Chian Professor of Economics. His research focuses primarily on Econometrics ,Financial Economics, and Macroeconomics. He has made significant contributions to these fields, with many published papers in top-tier international journals, including Econometrica, Journal of Econometrics, and Journal of Financial Econometrics.