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[数量经济学研讨会]Based Nonparametric Test of Exogenous Participation in First Price Auctions



报告题目: An Integrated-Quantile-Based Nonparametric Test of Exogenous Participation in First Price Auctions




内容简介:In this paper, we develop an integrated quantile based nonparametric test for exogenous participation hypothesis in first price auctions. Using the fact that two distributions being equal is equivalent to their integrals over arbitrary interval being equal, we propose simple quantile based statistic for testing the null hypothesis that the private values of bidders are drawn from the same distribution in two samples of auctions with different numbers of bidders against the alternative hypothesis that the private value distributions are different with different numbers of bidders. Our test is convenient in practice since it only involves one step estimation of quantile functions of bids. We also characterize the asymptotic distribution of the integrated quantile based statistic under the null hypothesis with regularity conditions. We show that it is the supremum of absolute value of Gaussian process with mean zero. The simulation results show that our test performs well under moderate sample sizes. Finally, we adapt our testing procedure to auctions with entry.


  刘年青, 上海财经大学经济新葡京官方 助理教授, 2013年博士毕业于宾州州立大学(PSU)经济系。 他的主要研究方向是理论计量经济学、应用微观计量、实证产业组织理论和博弈论

新葡京官方 数量经济教研室



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