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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]Observable and Unobservable Indirect Reciprocity: An Experimental Study



时间4月16日,星期 下午2:00—3:30

【主讲人】:梁平汉   西南财经大学经济与管理研究院

【主题】:Observable and Unobservable Indirect Reciprocity: An Experimental Study

作者:梁平汉  孟涓涓

【摘要】:This paper investigates whether social image concern affects the level of indirect reciprocity in one-shot interaction. Indirect reciprocity refers to the case that a donor helps a recipient, but the recipient can only reciprocate to an anonymous

beneficiary. We design a laboratory experiment of the above game, but vary whether the donor can observe the recipient’s repayment amount to the beneficiary. We find that the observable repayment condition significantly increases the recipient’s transfer. The increase is largely attributed to the more significant effect of the donor sending a message requesting favorable treatment, and slightly due to social connection between the donor and the beneficiary outside of the laboratory. These results show the importance of social image concern and the specific channels it functions through.


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