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[组织经济学Workshop]Platform Competition in Two-sided Markets
中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心 组织经济学Workshop

    组织经济学(Organizational Economics)Workshop由中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心(CFOS)主办。CFOS的宗旨是,关注组织经济学前沿研究,利用现代经济学方法研究中国的企业、政府、市场和非营利组织的重大问题,推动企业理论、契约理论和制度经济学的研究与教学。关注CFOS,请访问//CFOS.xpjofficial.net。

主持:杨其静(新葡京官方 教授)、聂辉华(新葡京官方 教授)
主讲论文题目:Platform Competition in Two-sided Markets(Jean-Charles Rochet and Jean Tirole,2003)
摘要:Many if not most markets with network externalities are two-sided. To succeed, platforms in industries such as software, portals and media, payment systems and the Internet, must "get both sides of the market on board." Accordingly, platforms devote much attention to their business model, that is, to how they court each side while making money overall. This paper builds a model of platform competition with two-sided markets. It unveils the determinants of price allocation and end-user surplus for different governance structures (profit-maximizing platforms and not-for-profit joint undertakings), and compares the outcomes with those under an integrated monopolist and a Ramsey planner.

新葡京官方 新葡京官方 企业与组织研究中心 2015年10月7日