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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]Battle of the Sexes:How Sex Ratios Affect Female Bargaining Power



【主题】:Battle of the Sexes:How Sex Ratios Affect Female Bargaining Power
【主讲人】:涂勤 中国社科院世界经济与政治研究所

【时间】:9月13日,星期五, 12:00—13:30


A vibrant literature has emerged exploring the economic implications of the sex ratio (the ratio of men to women in the population), including changes in fertility rates, educational outcomes, labor supply, and household purchases. Previous empirical efforts, however, have paid less attention to the underlying channel via which changes in the sex ratio affect economic decisions. This study combines evidence from a field experiment and a survey to document that the sex ratio importantly influences female bargaining power: as the sex ratio increases, female bargaining power increases.



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