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[计量经济学研讨会]Inference with “difference in differences” with a small number of policy changes
计量经济学研讨会 (2016 年第 3 期)

【时间】2016 年 11 月 17 日(星期四)12:00-13:30

【地点】明主 623 会议室 【主讲】王宇澄 新葡京官方 【主题】Inference with “difference in differences” with a small number of policy changes (Timothy G. Conley and Christopher R. Taber, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Februrary 2011) 【点评】时文东 新葡京官方 【摘要】In difference-in-differences applications, identification of the key parameter often arises from changes in policy by a small number of groups. In contrast, typical inference assumes that the number of groups changing policy is large. We present an alternative inference approach for a small (finite) number of policy changers, using information from a large sample of nonchanging groups. Treatment effect point estimators are not consistent, but we can consistently estimate their asymptotic distribution under any point null hypothesis about the treatment. Thus, treatment point estimators can be used as test statistics, and confidence intervals can be constructed using test statistic inversion.     本次交流研讨会是新葡京官方 本学期第三期计量经济学研讨会。计量经济学研讨会的学术活动有两种形式:前沿文献选读和同行学术交流。前沿文献选读由计量经济学教师团队选择本领域顶尖杂志的前沿文献,采用学生宣讲、老师点评的方式加强人才培养、促进本领域内师生的广泛交流。同行学术交流将邀请相关领域知名学者或顶尖高校毕业的博士就已形成的高水平工作论文进行深入讨论。两类活动将视需要而定频次。

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新葡京官方 2016 年 11 月 14 日