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[能源经济学研讨会]美国匹兹堡大学Thomas G. Rawski 教授和Ravi Madhavan教授做学术演讲

      本次能源经济学研讨会邀请到美国匹兹堡大学Thomas G. Rawski 教授和Ravi Madhavan教授做学术演讲。          


报告一:Capability Upgrading and Catch-up in Civil Nuclear Power: The Case of China

报告二:China’s Electricity Sector: An Overseas Perspective

         报告摘要:          报告一:            China is investing heavily in nuclear energy, such that the Chinese fleet of nuclear power plants (NPP) will be the world’s largest by far if current plans are realized. In this chapter, we use the case of the Chinese civil nuclear power sector to draw out the role of industrial policy and regulation as drivers of innovation. On the regulatory side, evidence of progress is more subdued, but unmistakable: the creation of a legal framework with multiple levels; significant cooperation with, and learning, from the IAEA and regulatory counterparts from other countries; and a slow but gradual strengthening of regulatory capability, both technological and enforcement. Our analysis surfaces a third driver of innovation, viz., enterprise initiative, the struggle for influence and domination among various bureaucratic actors. In concert, these three factors appear to be driving significant capability formation not only in construction and operation but also in design. Constraints do exist, in the form of soft factors such as safety culture and human resources, as well as of fuel availability.          报告二:          1. Achievements of China’s power sector: growth, modernization, nationwide coverage, cost reduction for constructing thermal power plants, innovation, globalization.          2. Challenges: high prices and operating costs; incentive clashes à excess capacity; fresh reform initiatives respond to current difficulties, but threaten to create financial instability.          
         演讲人简介:            Thomas G. Rawski,美国匹兹堡大学经济学和历史学教授。曾长期执教于多伦多大学(1971-1985)。现为美国美中关系全国委员会委员(1987-)、China Quarterly编委(1991-)、China Reviews International编委(1994-)、China Economic Review编委(1995-)、The Global Economic Review编委(1996-)、Journal of Asian Business编委(1996-)、William Davidson Institute研究员(1997-)、The China Review顾问委员会委员(2001-)、亚洲研究协会金融委员会成员(2002-)。最新的著作有:China’s Great Economic Transformation(与Loren Brandt共同编辑,2008)、China’s Rise and the Balance of Influence in Asia(与William W. Keller共同编辑,2007)。            Ravi Madhavan,美国匹兹堡大学(University of Pittsburgh)Katz研究生商新葡京官方 教授,同时是Katz研究生商新葡京官方 国际合作中心主任,美铝基金会国际新葡京官方 的成员,行业研究协会(ISA)执行主任。Ravi在其研究领域已经取得了丰硕的科研成果,在国际顶级期刊,如Academy of Management Review(AMR), Journal of International Business Studies, Strategic Management Journal(SMJ), Academy of Management Journal(AMJ), Journal of Marketing, and Journal of Management(JOM))发表过多篇论文,并得到美国国家科学基金和斯隆基金的资助。          
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    能源经济研讨会(Energy Economics Seminar)由新葡京官方 能源经济系定期推出,旨在为研究中国能源经济问题的学者提供一个交流的平台,以促进我国能源经济的教学研究水平的提高。希望得到各位同仁的关注与支持!

      中国人民大学 新葡京官方 能源经济系