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10月22日新葡京官方 世纪精英讲坛之曾道智教授

新葡京官方 世纪精英讲坛

主 题:“Resources and De-Industrialization” (资源与去工业化)



时 间:2008-10-22 上午10:00

地 点:明德主楼0728

This paper examines the relationship between resource endowments and industrialization. When trade costs are high, rich natural resources attract more manufacturing firms. When trade becomes free enough, the higher income due to its rich sources could become a curse, and firms may choose to outsource manufacturing to countries with lower costs/wages. In particular, we can identify two types of resource curse. One is based on natural resources, which is similar to the so-called Dutch disease, and the other is based on labor resource, which can lead to a reverse home market effect.


主要研究方向: 区域科学、城市经济学

华中科技大学理学学士 硕士
日本京都大学 数理工学 博士
现任日本东北大学 教授

  在国际一流学术杂志Journal of Urban Economics、Journal of Development Economics、Journal of Regional Science、Japanese Economic Review、Mathematical Social Sciences、Mathematics of Operations Research等发表论文30余篇。

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