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[宏观经济学研讨会]The Global Decline of the Labor Share
宏观经济学研讨会 (总第193期)

【主讲】林炜 新葡京官方
【主题】The Global Decline of the Labor Share ( L.Karabarbounis & B. Neiman. NBER Working Paper, 2013)
【点评】陈朴 新葡京官方 助理教授 明尼苏达大学经济学博士
【摘要】The stability of the labor share of income is a key foundation in macroeconomic models. We document, however, that the global labor share has significantly declined since the early 1980s, with the decline occurring within the large majority of countries and industries. We show that the decrease in the relative price of investment goods, often attributed to advances in information technology and the computer age, induced firms to shift away from labor and toward capital. The lower price of investment goods explains roughly half of the observed decline in the labor share, even when we allow for other mechanisms influencing factor shares such as increasing profits, capital-augmenting technology growth, and the changing skill composition of the labor force. We highlight the implications of this explanation for welfare and macroeconomic dynamics.
【主持】陈彦斌 教授

新葡京官方 宏观经济学研讨会(Macro Workshop)旨在追踪宏观经济学国际最新进展,倡导构建符合国情的动态优化模型,并使用计算机模拟研究经济增长、收入分配和宏观政策等中国宏观经济重大问题。
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新葡京官方 中国经济改革与发展研究院