新葡京官方» 学术活动



时间:2012年3月5日下午 2:00-5:40


734 会议室

Panel I  Chair: Professor Ran Tao 

1. “Challenges for Electricity Restructuring”, Professor Andrew Kleit, Pennsylvania State University.

2. “Determinants of Electricity Demand, Evidence from Household Survey Data”, Dr. Guang Shi, Peking University.

3. “Investor Perceptions of Post-Fukushima Energy Landscape: Evidence from Coal, Natural Gas and Renewable Energy Securities”, Professor Anastasia Shcherbakova, Pennsylvania State University.

4. “Ancillary Service Costs and Compensation Mechanism for Large-scale Renewable Energy Integration in China”, Dr. Junfeng Hu, North China Electric Power University.

5. “Coal Price and Electric Market Reform”, Dr. Yanshan Yu, General Director, State Electricity Regulatory Commission (SERC).

6. “Energy-saving Policy in China: Goals and Policy Tools”, Dr. Hua Gui, Director, National Energy-Saving Center, NDRC.

Panel II  Chair: Dr. Yanshan Yu




1 “What Drives the Change in China`s Energy Intensity Dr. Feng Song

2 “Estimating Demand Elasticity for Electricity in Urban China” Dr. Ping Qin

3 “A Proposal on Urban Electricity Blocking Price in China” Dr. Yihua Yu

4 “Energy Consumption and Economic Development—A Model and Empirical Analysis” Dr. Junxin Feng