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[劳动与发展经济学研讨会]The Preference for Larger Cities in China: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants



【主题】The Preference for Larger Cities in China: Evidence from Rural-Urban Migrants




Abstract: China has long aimed to contain population growth in large cities but encourage growth in small and medium sized cities. At the same time, various government policies favor large cities. We conjecture that lager cities in China have more urban amenities and a better quality of life. We thus predict that a typical rural-urban migrant is willing to give up some income in order to live in a larger city. We present a simple model in which rural-urban migrants choose destination cities to maximize utilities from consumption and urban amenities. Drawing data from a large-scale population survey conducted in 2005, we first estimate each migrant`s potential earnings in each possible destination city, using a semi-parametric method to correct for potential selection biases. We then estimate the typical migrant`s preferences for city population size, where we instrument for population size with its lagged values to control for potential omitted-variables bias. From these estimation results, we calculate the typical migrant`s willingness to pay for larger cities. We nd that indeed rural-urban migrants strongly prefer cities with larger populations. We explore possible explanations for this preference and discuss the implications of these ndings.

  邢春冰老师对收入分配、劳动力流动等研究很深入,曾在加拿大西安大略大学做过两年博士后,目前是IZA研究员。邢教授的研究成果发表于China Economic Review,经济研究等中英文刊物上。

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