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[数量经济学研讨会]To pool or not to pool: Do we really need to make a choice



  报告题目:To pool or not to pool: Do we really need to make a choice 
  This paper revisits an old econometric issue “to pool or not to pool a panel” from a new perspective and proposes a pooling averaging estimator. To implement the pooling averaging technique, we provide a preliminary screening procedure (prior to averaging) to rule out the poorly specified models, which not only facilitates the computation and also improves the estimation accuracy. We examine the asymptotic property of a pooling averaging estimator based on the Mallows criterion and derive the upper bound of its risk. A variety of panel data estimators are compared in extensive simulation designs. We find that there does not exist a uniformly best estimator, and the performance of an estimator depends on the degree of heterogeneity, the sample size, and noises in the model. This explains, to some extent, the discrepancy between the theoretical justification of non-pooling methods and empirical evidence that advocates pooling.  
  王文墩,鹿特丹伊拉斯莫大学计量经济学研究院助理教授,2013年获得荷兰蒂尔堡大学经济学博士。他的主要研究方向为计量经济学,模型加权以及预测。 他的更多信息可见//wendunwang.weebly.com/.  
      数量经济教研室               运筹学与数量经济研究所               新葡京官方               2014年05月      
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