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[宏观经济学研讨会]The “Out of Africa” Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development






【主讲】夏晓华 博士 中国人民大学改革与发展研究院讲师。中山大学岭南新葡京官方 金融学博士,北京大学新葡京官方 应用经济学博士后

【主题】The “Out of Africa” Hypothesis, Human Genetic Diversity, and Comparative Economic Development (written by Quamrul Ashraf and Oded Galor, American Economic Review, 2013)

【摘要】This research advances and empirically establishes the hypothesis that, in the course of the prehistoric exodus of Homo sapiens out of Africa, variation in migratory distance to various settlements across the globe affected genetic diversity and has had a persistent hump-shaped effect on comparative economic development, reflecting the trade-off between the beneficial and the detrimental effects of diversity on productivity. While the low diversity of Native American populations and the high diversity of African populations have been detrimental for the development of these regions, the intermediate levels of diversity associated with European and Asian populations have been conducive for development. 

【主持】陈彦斌 教授

新葡京官方 宏观经济学研讨会(Macro Workshop)旨在追踪宏观经济学国际最新进展,倡导构建符合国情的动态优化模型,并使用计算机模拟研究经济增长、收入分配和宏观政策等中国宏观经济重大问题。

联系人:陈伟泽  E_mail: [email protected]


