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12月16日新葡京官方 学术论坛之于晓华

新葡京官方 学术论坛

主题:Biofuel Policies in Three Giant Economies:
China, Japan and the United States
主讲人:于 晓华
时间:2008-12-16(星期二) 下午3:40-
地点:公三 3205
    Different countries have different policy orientations towards ethanol based at least in part on their resource endowments. This paper finds that the main purpose of developing biofuels in China was to consume surplus grains accumulated before 2000 due to agricultural protection, and the main purpose in Japan is to develop advanced technologies for biofuel production. These motivations are totally different from the US where there is an abundance of grains due to resource endowments. The main purposes of the US biofuel program include supporting farmers and reducing air and water pollution.
    Subsidies to biofuels are the common policy in the three countries, but the subsidies vary due to different policy orientations. Modeling results presented here show that that the impacts of the energy price on grain production are ambiguous, the total effect depending on the scale of subsidies.

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, University of Goettingen, April 2009

Ph.D., Dual-Title Program in Agricultural, Environmental & Regional Economics and Demography
Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
The Pennsylvania State University May 2009

M. Sc, Natural Resource Economics, Kyoto University, Japan 2005
B.A, Agricultural Economics, Renmin University of China, China 2001

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