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[组织经济学Seminar]Internal Migration and Firm Growth in China
中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心 组织经济学Seminar   总第78期


组织经济学(Organizational Economics)Seminar由中国人民大学企业与组织研究中心(CFOS)主办。CFOS的宗旨是,利用现代经济学方法研究中国的企业、政府、市场和非营利组织的重大问题,推动企业理论、契约理论和制度经济学的研究与教学。关注CFOS,请访问//CFOS.xpjofficial.net。
主题:Internal Migration and Firm Growth in China(中国的劳动力迁移与企业增长)
摘要:Internal migration from rural to urban areas is central to the process of structural transformation. Yet, we have little empirical evidence of the role of migration in triggering industrialization. In this paper, we estimate the effect of an increase in labor supply from rural migrants on urban firm growth in China. We use exogenous variations in international prices and climatic conditions to build shocks to agricultural income which we use as instruments for migration flows. Using household survey data from a sample of Chinese provinces, we find that inflows of migrant workers exert a downward pressure on urban wages. Using an annual census of above-scale firms, we next show that migration from rural areas increases firms` profit and value added. These effects are concentrated among the most financially constrained firms.
演讲者简介:张轶凡,香港中文大学经济系副教授。先后获得中国人民大学学士、硕士,美国匹兹堡大学博士。曾经任教于香港岭南大学,并于美国耶鲁大学从事博士后研究。研究领域主要涉及国际贸易、外商投资和产业组织。论文发表在Journal of Development Economics, Journal of International Economics,《经济学季刊》等国内外一流杂志。
新葡京官方 新葡京官方 企业与组织研究中心 新葡京官方 国发院新政治经济学研究中心 2016年6月16日