新葡京官方» 学术活动

时间:2015年10月14日 星期三14:00-16:00
报告人:亚历山大·布兹加林(Aleksander Buzgalin)

摘要: In order to understand the nature of the power of the financial-industrial groups in Russia, one must examine the socio-economic system. It is possible to understand this system, if one goes a step beyond the traditional analysis of economists (plan or market? private or public property?) and political scientists (right or left? pro-presidential, regional and other elites). One needs, at a bare minimum, to analyze what I have called "capitalism`s Jurassic Park." I am referring to the state-corporate model of capitalism which has taken shape in Russia, full of the "relics" of Soviet society. The key social link of this economic system is the clan-corporate group. I call these structures capitalism`s "dinosaurs." Today, two types of dinosaurs dominate the landscape. Some—the "herbivores"—are gigantic, unwieldy structures: the former state enterprises. Others—the "predators"—are much smaller, but much more active: the mean and hungry private corporations, who actively "gnaw away" at the former state structures.


新葡京官方 2015-10-11