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[数量经济学研讨会]Bounds on Treatment Effects in the Presence of Sample Selection and Noncompliance: The Wage Effects of Job Corps



报告题目:Bounds on Treatment Effects in the Presence of Sample Selection and Noncompliance: The Wage Effects of Job Corps
报告人:陈轩 助理教授




  Randomized and natural experiments are commonly used in economics and other social science fields to estimate the effect of programs and interventions. Even when employing experimental data, assessing the impact of the treatment on outcomes of interest is often complicated by the presence of sample selection (outcomes are only observed for a selected group) and noncompliance with the assigned treatment (some treatment group individuals do not receive the treatment while some control individuals do). We address both of these identification problems simultaneously and derive nonparametric bounds for average treatment effects within a principal stratification framework. We employ these bounds to empirically assess the wage effects of the Job Corps (JC) program, which is the most comprehensive and largest federally-funded job training program for disadvantaged youth in the United States. Our results strongly suggest positive average effects of JC on wages for individuals who comply with their treatment assignment and would be employed whether or not they enrolled in JC (the “always-employed compliers”). In particular, under relatively weak monotonicity and mean dominance assumptions, we find that this average effect is between 5.7 and 13.9 percent four years after randomization and between 7.7 and 17.5 percent for Non-Hispanics.


陈轩,中国人民大学劳动人事新葡京官方 助理教授。2013年毕业于迈阿密大学经济系,她的主要研究方向为Labor Economics Program Evaluation

新葡京官方 数量经济教研室



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