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[劳动经济学研讨会]Unintended Impact on Inequality of Health Insurance: Evidence from China

         劳动经济学研讨会          (总第41期)          
【主题】Unintended Impact on Inequality of Health Insurance: Evidence from China  
【主讲】石菊(北京大学新葡京官方 助理教授)  
【Abstract】Many developing countries provide public insurance to the population in order to improve their access and affordability of health care, especially for the low-income residents. Those programs are always with high consumer cost-sharing. While this feature may be effective in controlling costs, it is possible to raise an unintended concern on equity among individuals with different income levels. Low-income individuals may not be able to afford out-of-pocket expenditures even being insured and hence the insurance protection for them would be limited. In this paper, we first develop a simple model showing that under reasonable assumptions, the reductions of out-of-pocket medical spending would be larger for the rich than that for the poor when they become insured. We then test the model prediction using a unique data set covering individuals enrolled in the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme in China. The empirical result is consistent with the model prediction that the program significantly reduces out-of-pocket spending for the rich, but not for the poor.  
主讲人简介:石菊博士是北京大学新葡京官方 的助理教授,也是中国保险和社会保障研究中心(CCISSR)的研究员。 在加入北京大学之前,她于2013年获得波士顿大学经济学博士学位,并曾在哈佛医新葡京官方 的医疗保健政策部担任博士后研究员。 石菊博士的研究重点是医疗支付系统的设计和影响,健康保险的影响和医疗保健支出的趋势。她的多篇研究发表在顶尖的国际期刊,包括健康经济学杂志,美国健康经济学杂志和日内瓦风险和保险 - 问题和实践的文章。 她的一篇论文还被选为美国国家卫生保健管理研究所(NIHCM)2014年的报告。