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【主讲人】罗茸,美国佐治亚大学特里商新葡京官方 经济系助理教授

【主题】Network Effect and Multi-Network Sellers' Dynamic Pricing: Evidence from the US Smartphone Market

【主持人】李三希,新葡京官方 教授

【摘要】The smartphone operating system (OS) network effect influences the dynamic pricing strategy of the multi-OS telecom carriers. I show that multi-OS sellers choose lower prices for larger OSs, which is the opposite of single-OS sellers’strategy. Using product-level data in the US, I estimate a structural model of consumer demand and carriers’dynamic pricing game for two-year contract smartphones. With new methods, I solve the dynamic game involving asymmetric multi-product carriers and continuous state variables. The estimated network effect is significantly positive. Counterfactual analysis shows that, if the carriers were single-OS sellers, the OS market would be less concentrated and consumer surplus would decrease.

【主讲人介绍】罗茸,美国佐治亚大学特里商新葡京官方 经济系助理教授,美国宾夕法尼亚州立大学经济学博士。研究领域为产业组织经济学,研究兴趣包括消费者需求,企业的静态与动态定价,产品的网络效应以及企业生产函数的理论与实证分析。
